Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2010. Wow - There were a few times over the past decade that I thought I would not be saying that, but here we are - fat and happy in 2010.

Like most people I try to take some time today to be introspective, to take stock of who I am, where I'm going and where I've been. I like to crack open my resume and touch it up with all the new things I've learned over the past year, and to write a few "thank you" cards to people who have helped, inspired or somehow improved me as a person. This year will be no different except that I have been thinking over the past 10 years a little more.

What a decade this has been. We started by battling fears that 2000 would see a worldwide computer crash leading to feast, famine, accidental wars, and general badness. Well the crashes were minor and deserved, the plagues of locusts never appeared, and it turned out to be a lot more media hype than anything.

In 2000 I was working with First generation (28 million transistor) Pentium CPUs, movies were watched on TV and theatre screens, and a "Walkman" was still the device of choice for portable music. Ten years later, even compact notebook computers use multi core processors with nearly a billion transistors on a chip. YouTube has replaced all other forms of video entertainment as far as volume goes, and the iPod has completely revolutionized how we store, carry and listen to music.

I personally have seen a number of changes in my life that track with technology including a move from the sunny Okanagan Valley to Calgary in 2002, a complete transformation of my business between 2002 and 2006 and a new lifestyle that has me spending more time in jets than cars. I've been able to watch "robotics" grow from a hacker hobby into an actual industry, Ive seen the Internet transform from "tool" to "environment" and I've witnessed the birth of real virtual communities. This year I think I will spend a lot of time thinking about what the next decade will look like and what part I will play in it.

The past year has been an interesting adventure for me personally and in business. I have met many new people and learned many new things. I could easily argue that 2009 was the most tumultuous year of my life. Working with cutting edge technologies and with companies who are shaping the future is both exhausting and incredibly rewarding. I am privileged to be associated with a group of people who will create what they need if it does not exist yet or help a community fix technology that is broken. I am thrilled to see what is on the horizon just out of reach of the general population, but still find myself guessing at what is coming next. In 2009 I litterally spent more time in airports and on flights than I did driving my own car, yet I have more contact with my family and friends than ever before.

I am an inventor and a writer, a builder and a teacher. I have seen the world change dramatically over the past decade and I fully expect twice that volume of change again in the next 10 years. I plan to spend more time writing about what I see, know, and predict. I will spend more time with my family, even if I am on a plane. I will enjoy more music, food and video choices because of the emerging technologies around me. My creative energies will be focused on making lives easier through invention. Most of all I will learn to be even more accepting of change, embrace the unknown and forge ahead into the wilderness.

Happy New Year.

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