Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

A time for most Christians around the world to celebrate the life that was given to Jesus Christ 20 centuries ago. A time for people to gather with friends and family, to remember what is really important in life. Jesus Christ walked this earth for 33 years and spent much of that time teaching. His legacy has been translated, into every language on the planet, interpreted and misinterpreted, used and abused, praised and vilified, but has survived none the less.

We light trees and houses to symbolize the bringing of light into the world at the darkest point of the year. We give presents to show our unconditional love and gratitude to the ones we care about. We gather with friends and loved ones to share a meal and song and good times, all to celebrate the life we have knitted together.

To all my friends and family, colleagues and clients, I wish you a very
Merry Christmas
and all the best success in the new year.

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