Sunday, March 12, 2017


A war rages between darkness and the light.  Good and evil, right and wrong, left and right, yin and yang, the story is ageless and has been written in every language, yet persists; evading the erosion of time.

I have friends who wake every morning and thank Gaia for her gifts and others who converse with Vishnu.  Some of my friends are born again, and others think they got it right the first time.  Some friends would like me to believe that the world is only 6000 years old and the dinosaurs were once companions.  There are others who can show me evidence of intelligence more than 10,000 years old and have their beliefs firmly rooted in science.  The common thread in all of these compatriates is a belief that good will always win out over evil.  They all have creators that were inherently good, and those creators had enemies that were inherently evil.  At the core of all faith, we all believe the same thing.

Current world events may seem desperate.  The news seems to be full of earth-shaking historic events, but this has all been written before.  This story had been told again and again with different actors on various stages at various times, but the fight is the same.  The war between good and evil has periodic churn, and we now find ourselves in the thick of it.  In Greek mythology, Eris and Harmonia have been battling since the beginning of time.  Our written historical events can name a dozen antagonists and their counterparts.  In all of those events, what bears true is the truth of the dichotomy of yin and yang.  Good cannot exist without evil.  Life is impossible without death.  You cannot comprehend the "right" without an appreciation for what is "wrong."

In today's instantly connected world,  it is easy to get caught up in the rising tide of one argument against another.  We are swayed by political or religious rhetoric and partial information to force weight to one side or another.  No one seems to have time to do the research to make sure that the argument is valid and true, but ignorance and darkness are bedfellows.  Knowledge and truth are the companions of light.  Understand the darkness to embrace and defend the light.

Don't let the darkness win.

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