Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Afghanistan ... Again....

There are a few numbers that have been on my mind lately.

One Hundred and Fourty Six (146) - This is the number of Canadian soldiers who have given their lives during the current war in Afghanistan.

One Hundred and Three (103) - This is the number of months that Canada has been actively involved the war in Afghanistan.

Twenty Eight Hundred (2800) - The approximate count of Canadian Military troops engaged in the war.

Eighteen Billion ($18,000,000,000) - The approximate dollar value the Canadian government has spent on supporting the war.

Thirty Four Million (34,000,000) - The number of Canadians who just want our troops to come home safely and just have it all over with.

We are in Afghanistan to help restore the democratic government that was over thrown by Sunni radicals (Taliban) in 1996. Hamid Karzai is the rightful, democratically elected president of Afghanistan, and he deserves the right to lead his people to rebuild and prosper in a democratic country, for the good of all other countries on this planet. In order to do that, the oppression and violence of the Taliban insurgents (NOT a government by any means) needs to be removed before that rebuilding process can really begin. We, the USA, and the Russians are largely responsible for allowing the Taliban to take power in the first place, so we have a moral obligation to set things right.

I get a little weary of hearing people whine about how Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party are responsible for us being there. This situation pre-dates Stephen Harper by decades. The previous Emperor of Afghanistan was overthrown in 1973 and the country has been in a variable state of civil war ever since, often fuelled by US/NATO and Russian arms sales. We joined the allied forces in Afghanistan under Jean Chretien's Liberal government in October 2001 and that party had 5 more years in power to choose to change that path before the Conservative government came into power and inherited the situation.

If Canada were overthrown by a radical, violent, oppressive regime bent on self-serving profiteering by turning our farmland into drug growing operations, as the Taliban has done in Afghanistan, I would welcome an invasion of NATO and allies to fight them and help win back our freedom and right to a democratically run country.

We *have* been there too long and we *do* need to bring our troops home, but we have important work to do there and the people of Afghanistan deserve the right to self government. This is about global stability and fighting for the concept of open democracy. This is about fighting oppression and tyranny where it lives strongest. I support our troops there 100% and hope they can get the job done soon so they can all come home safely and we can look forward to a long term beneficial relationship with the new democracy of Afghanistan.

We live on this planet, not just in this country and we all have a moral obligation as citizens of Earth to help other countries provide for a safe, democratically run government for the good of all mankind. Canadian soldiers know that their lives are at risk every day to meet that goal, regardless of the country they do it in and for that I can only say "Thank you".

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