Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Birthday Mickey

On November 18th, 1928, a fresh new face stepped out onto the world stage and captured the hearts of and minds of America and then the world.  Mickey Mouse spoke directly to a whole generation of people who were just trying to make it though the day.  He was the average guy, the embodiment of persistence, and Walt Disney's cartoon mirror image.

I first met Mickey in person when I was about 10 years old, but my childhood had already been fully immersed in The Wonderful World of Disney long before then. Over the many years since then, Mickey has taught me how to manage bullies like Pete, how to treat a girlfriend like Minnie and what great friendships look like.

Ninety years after his first role as Steamboat Willie, Mickey Mouse is still inspiring the average guy and welcomes all to the happiest place on earth every day.

Happy 90th Birthday Mickey.

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