Saturday, December 1, 2018

All I want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is your generosity. Seriously.  I don't want stuff and things, I can get my own.  I don't want books and videos, or trinkets and toys. I don't want fudge and cookies... wait, actually go ahead and send cookies.

Recently, I was asked what I want for Christmas and I said "peace, love and joy" and for the first time in my life I really mean it.  I am at a stage in my life where I really don't want any more "stuff".  If there is something I want or need I can get it myself. Any thing that is not useful or edible will likely find its way to a garage sale or recycle bin within six months anyway so please save your money and do something more useful with it.

There was a great article I read from 2012 about the waste created over the Christmas holiday season and it is even more relevant today than it was then. In "The gift of Death" the author describes all the novelty trinkets and gag gifts and other items that we gift at this time of year that are really only enjoyable for a few moments or days during the holiday, then quickly end up filling a section of landfill.  It seems such a sad waste when there are so many more valuable places we can put our money, time, and resources.

This year, if you want to do something for me (or anyone else you care about) think about donating to your favorite cause in my name.  I have listed below all of my favorite charities whom I give to on a regular basis, but feel free to pick your own.  I can do without another pair of fuzzy slippers - please donate the $20 to Alberta Children's Hospital.  I really do not need more beer steins, that $30 is better shared with the great folks at Inn From The Cold. The $25 you were going to drop on that awesome sparkly reindeer sweater I will only wear once, could really help a struggling family at Ronald McDonald House.  Please consider donating to one of these institutions:

Of course, I am not crazy - I won't say no to an Apple Watch that will be used daily, or some tasty fruitcake or peppermint bark I can share with my friends.  Bring over a decent wine and stay for a while - the friendship and conversation by a warm fire is more valuable to me than almost anything else.  Oh and there is always Scotty's own Scotch that could find a happy place in my bar.  I'm just asking you not to buy something for the sake of saying you bought a present - for me or for anyone else.  The waste generated at this time of year on fad trinkets that will never have a useful function is staggering.

Having said all that, I want to give you the gift of my attention, my thoughts and my wishes for your peace and prosperity. May you receive as much as you give this holiday season in whatever form that takes.

Merry Christmas


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